Ecosystems and Biomes Lesson Plan

My Blog post for the week is a lesson plan. Check out this lesson plan for teaching Ecosystems and Biomes for Grades 3-12.

Text Box: Ecosystems and Biomes

Student Plan for Scholar:__________________________________________________

Teacher: Dr. Napper

Overview & Purpose: The purpose of these lessons are to teach students the natural cycles that occur daily in our environment. Connecting science and real life through experimentation.

Education Standards


Grades 3-5Grades 6-8Grades 9-12
Matter cycles between the air and soil and among plants, animals, and microbes as these organisms live and die. Organisms obtain gases, and water, from the environment, and release waste matter (gas, liquid, or solid) back into the environment. (5-LS2-1)  Food webs are models that demonstrate how matter and energy is transferred between producers, consumers, and decomposers as the three groups interact within an ecosystem. Transfers of matter into and out of the physical environment occur at every level. Decomposers recycle nutrients from dead plant or animal matter back to the soil in terrestrial environments or to the water in aquatic environments. The atoms that make up the organisms in an ecosystem are cycled repeatedly between the living and nonliving parts of the ecosystem. (MS-LS2-3)  Photosynthesis and cellular respiration (including anaerobic processes) provide most of the energy for life processes. (HS-LS2-3) Plants or algae form the lowest level of the food web. At each link upward in a food web, only a small fraction of the matter consumed at the lower level is transferred upward, to produce growth and release energy in cellular respiration at the higher level. Given this inefficiency, there are generally fewer organisms at higher levels of a food web. Some matter reacts to release energy for life functions, some matter is stored in newly made structures, and much is discarded. The chemical elements that make up the molecules of organisms pass through food webs and into and out of the atmosphere and soil, and they are combined and recombined in different ways. At each link in an ecosystem, matter and energy are conserved. (HS-LS2-4) Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are important components of the carbon cycle, in which carbon is exchanged among the biosphere, atmosphere, oceans, and geosphere through chemical, physical, geological, and biological processes. (HS-LS2-5)  

Essential Question(s):

  • How do matter and energy move through an ecosystem?
  • What is a food web and a food chain?

I CAN Statement

–       I can illustrate how food chains, food webs and energy pyramids communicate the flow of energy in an ecosystem


  • TSW identify and understand how food chains (Grades 3-5), food weds (Grades 6-8) and energy pyramids are connected (Grades 9-12).

Materials Needed:


Describe activity that will reinforce the lesson

This lesson includes:

  • Vocabulary Development Activity
  • Video Lesson Activity
  • Science Looks Like Me Activity
  • Reading Passage and Activity

Culminating Activity: Demonstrate what you learned the way you want to demonstrate it 🙂

Thursday March 19, 2020

Activity #1:Vocabulary Development:

Words are Containers of Knowledge Lesson

Etymology: the study of words and language

Etymologist: A person that studies words, language and the origins of words

Text Box: Grades 3-5
-Organisms, matter and composing 

Directions: As we begin our study about ecosystems and biomes, we are going to become etymologists and study the words associated with our lesson 🙂

We are etymologists 🙂

WordLanguage of OriginDefinition
Chemical reaction  
Food web  
Carbon cycle  

Activity #2: Word and definition application

Directions: Use the word in an original sentence and draw a picture that represents the word.

WordUse the word in a sentencePicture
Chemical reaction  
Food web  
Carbon cycle  

Activity #3: Ecosystem for Kids Video

Directions: Watch the videos below for your grade level. If you would like you can watch both videos.  After watching the videos, complete the graphic organizer ad write a one sentence summary about what you learned.

Grades K-2

Ecosystems for Kids

Grades 3-5

Grades 6-8

Ecosystem-The Dr. Bincos Show Video Graphic Organizer:


Activity #3: Continued

Ecosystem for Kids One Sentence Summary:

A_______________is a  __________that_______________

Ecosystem-The Dr. Bincos Show One Sentence Summary:

A_______________is a  __________that_______________

Ecosystem for Kids One Sentence Summary:

A_______________is a  __________that_______________

Friday March 20,2020

Activity #4: Biography of Scientists_Science Looks Like Me Lesson

As a part of our study on the ecosystem and biomes, we are going to study famous Ecologist. Using the links below, conduct research on a least three scientist:

  1. Scientist #1: Looks like you
  2. Scientist #2:One that does not look like you
  3. Scientist #3: Your choice

Activity #5 Science Looks Like Me Biography Research

This Scientist Looks Like Me Name of the Ecologist: Birthday What are they known for? Interesting Fact:
Name of the Ecologist: Birthday What are they known for? Interesting Fact:
Name of the Ecologist: Birthday What are they known for? Interesting Fact:

Monday March 23,2020

Activity #5: Photo Journaling/Video Journaling: Take a Nature Walk

Directions: Take a walk around your yard, neighborhood (with parent permission and supervision) and make a list, take pictures and create a video of all the different animals you see: birds, insects, mammals, lizards.

After your nature walk, answer the following questions:

1. What does each animal eat?

2.How are the animals connected to other animals, to trees, and to humans?

3. How do cats and dogs participate in the ecosystem?

How Can a Teacher Create a Trauma Sensitive Online Learning Environment?

How Can a Teacher Create a Trauma-Sensitive Online Learning Environment?

Teachers need to create a trauma-sensitive environment for their learners. Creating a trauma-sensitive environment nurtures the best learning experience for the students. They will be able to learn in an environment that is safe a d suitable for their development.

Students can get trauma from many sources, including the living situation at home so therefore, it is the responsibility of the teachers to ensure that these traumatic experiences don’t find a way to affect the learning process of the child.

Below are some of the ways that a teacher can create a trauma Sensitive online learning Environment:

  • Create a caring, trustworthy, and responsive relationship with the students. When the students see you as approachable, they will be free to discuss issues bothering them.  They will see you as a guidance counselor and be able to share their experiences with you as their teacher.

Also, as the teacher, you should be able to know read your students. When you see or notice a sudden change of behavior, ask them what the problem is and talk it through with them.

  • As a teacher, you should create a safe and predictable environment for your students.  The students should be able to come to you and talk to you about any disturbing issues they are facing. Be free with them and always show that you care about them and their feelings.  They should not be scared of you this you shouldn’t be too strict or too formal with them.
  • Ask questions when you identify a sudden change of behavior in the classroom. When you see that a child is not his/her ‘usual self’, ask them what has caused them to behave in that manner.

They might be going through something that’s causing them to behave differently.  For instance, a child who’s always bubbly and cheerful suddenly becomes moody and sad. Ask them and try to find solutions to the problem they are facing.

  • Use social-emotional learning strategies.

This can be in form of games or project that requires the child to socialize with other children.  Games are very productive when it comes to this.  The child will mingle freely with others and slowly their mind will drift from the traumatic event/experience.

Games are fun and also educational, so when they engage and participate in such, they will be stress-free. Also, as a teacher, you will be satisfied knowing that this particular child is now settled and he/she is not worked up.

  • Positive behavior supports. When a child exhibits positive behavior during class time, you need to reward or congratulate them.  You can do so by adding them points or just verbally saying “good work” or “excellent “, etc.
  • Engage in their self-care. Direct them on self-care practices that will help them. For example, explaining to them the importance of hygiene and eating healthy.

The above-mentioned practices will be helpful for both the teacher and the student.  They will help you in creating a trauma Sensitive online learning environment that your learners will benefit from.

Keywords: online learning Environment, trauma

Driven to Success or Driving YOU Crazy!

July 28,2020

Driven to Success or Driving YOU Crazy!

By:Dr. Elondra D.Napper, Founder and CEO of Encouraging Champions Consulting Firm, LLC.

As school leaders are making decisions about how the 2020-2021 school year will look, many educators are upset about the different scenarios that are being presented by the powers that be.  They feel that the leadership is asking them to either go back to work putting their health and their families health in jeopardy or teach online.  On the one hand you have educators who are upset to the point of offense by being told that they can go to work either full time, in a blended model -half in person half on line or fully online. 

As I read the statements, comments and arguments for or against all of the scenarios the one question or comment that I don’t see that is running pervasive through the narrative is this?  

What will I do that is best for ME?  What will I do that is best for MY Family?  What can I do to change?

Human nature has an affinity for status quo and an adverse reaction like an allergy to change.  But the one thing for sure that is occurring during this time and season is changing.  

And guess what folks that changing…….AIN’T CHANGINING! 

So, knowing that for certain that change is the constant then you have to make some changes.  You have to make decisions that are in your best interest and not feel guilty about the decisions that you make.  Believe me you are not a martyr. If you go back to school in an unknown environment in which you have children and adults coming from everywhere to school and bringing every COVID 19, cold, flu and God knows what else with them so that you can support yourself and your family.  

Has the thought crossed your mind that if you return that if you get sick and possibly take the virus or any disease back to your family that making a living to support your family is a MOOT Point?!!!

I am here to tell you as a person that lives with a chronic illness everyday that faces my health and quality of life everyday do not want to be the example of martyrdom and have people say she was so dedicated, she was so faithful… no people will be saying what was she thinking … why did she do that!  I guarantee you that if you get sick or God forbid pass away you will be blessed to receive a phone call and a flower at your funeral. Which by the way due to social distancing funeral attendance is limited .. so there !! 

When will you become the leader in your life!! Not listen to the fear mongers and the commentators tell you what they want to tell you instilling fear and doubt.  May I suggest finding a place to pray, meditate and GET quiet so that you can hear the voice of the Holy Spirit guide you into ALL Truth not the voice of CNN,FOX and NBC!!! They are doing exactly what they are paid to do: tell stories, instill fear and boost ratings which translates into their bottom line ….MONEY!!

In the words of Rahm Emanuel, the former Chief of Staff for President Barack Obama, “do not let a good crisis go to waste!!!”

We are at a pivotal moment to make some changes for our families and for ourselves and for the better if we would look at it that way.  And by the way some of you were not happy with the school system and the education your children were receiving before the lock down.  

As an educator and administrator, it was like pulling eye teeth as my grandma would say to get parents on the phone because their numbers changed or come to a parent meeting to discuss the academic and/or behavioral progress of your child.  And if this pandemic has done nothing it has revealed to us as educators what we have known for years!!!!  The village is not 100 percent involved in the business of educating their children.  No one should leave their children’s education, social and emotional well being to any school!!!  Parents should be active participants in the lives of their children and that activity is based on what you can do and should do to make sure that your child is learning.

I have heard parents say I will be so glad when you go back to school because you MF’s are getting on my nerves, running up my light bill and cable bill.  WhAT!!!! Can you believe that?  There are parents and community members guilt tripping educators for making decisions to take care of themselves by calling them selfish for not deciding to go back.

What people think about you can change on a dime.  So therefore the best thing for you to do is to make decisions for yourself because guess what the comments and decisions that the parents, community, and lawmakers and business people are making are being made with their best interests not YOURS!!!

This is the best time to reimagine a new life for yourself .. a new educational pathway for your children and discover the gifts and skills that God has placed in you !  Take this time to  find you!!! Take this time to help your children find themself!!! Don’t return to the status quo… Create a new status for yourself, your family, your future generations and take charge and leadership in your own life and by all means you are not alone!! Pray ask the Holy Spirit for guidance, direction, wisdom, creativity and step out on faith and if you are afraid do it AFRAID!!!!

I am here to help you guide you, listen to you, support you and give you a kick of motivation and inspiration when you need it because you will need it!!!  

Looking for solutions to support your child socially, emotionally, academically and spiritually. Contact me Dr. Elondra D Napper. I can create the personalized VIP Curriculum and Learning Experience for your child, help you establish routines and procedures so that you can work and make sure that your child is being educated properly.

I am here I can be reached at and

Go get your life and if you lost it GO GET IT BACK and Take charge!!!

Grading and Assessment Practices in The Digital Classroom

An assessment gives information about what the learner knows or what they are able to know. Assessment can be done before, during, and after instruction. An assessment helps the teacher to improve students’ learning by uncovering areas that they don’t understand.

On the other hand, grading is the assigning of values to the results. This is done so as to record the ability of students, the progress or achievements.

Ways of assessment in the digital classroom

Student-led conferences student-led conference is a meeting with a student and their teacher during which the student shares their work and discusses the progress with their teacher. The students lead the meeting from the beginning to the end.

As a teacher, during this meeting, you can gauge the learner’s understanding of the content through their presentation. You can ask them questions before, during, or after the presentation to ascertain for sure that they have grasped the content well.

This structure also builds the student’s sense of accountability and responsibility and accountability for their learning. It also helps their understanding of what it means to meet learning targets. This method also sharpens their communication skills.

  • Digital portfolios

Digital portfolio assessment is an approach that builds a learning partnership between the teacher and the learner. The student digital portfolio is a multimedia collection of student’s work that offers evidence of a student’s abilities and understanding.

 A digital portfolio is a computer-based collection of a student’s performance over time. These portfolios make learning more accessible to educators, parents, and administrators.

There has been no precise way or strategy for the assessment of portfolios. Be that as it may, some various strategies can be used. If the motivation behind the portfolio is to improve the learners’ learning and to analyze his/her adapting needs, at that point the works in the portfolio generally are dictated by instructors.

The learner is given feedback for his/her works by educators. These sorts of feedback are used to improve learners’ learning. However, if the reason for the portfolio is to evaluate the learner’s progress over an all-inclusive timeframe, then the portfolio contains a few standard works for everybody, and the works in the portfolio are chosen by learners.

 This portfolio includes the best works of learners for a term or year. They are assessed by educators in terms of the rules decided previously.

  • Rubrics

This is usually in the form of a grid or matrix. It is a tool used to interpret and grade works of students against criteria and standards. A rubric makes categorically a range of assessment measures and estimated performance standards.

They spell out scoring criteria so that many teachers using the same rubric for an assignment, for example, would arrive at the same grade or score.

The aforementioned are assessment methods that a teacher can use for their learners. They are each effective when they are used properly. As a teacher, you can use any of the above methods when assessing your learners.

Keywords: assessment

The Digital Classroom Pedagogy By Dr. Elondra D. Napper

What Is the Digital Classroom Pedagogy?

Digital pedagogy is the study and use of contemporary digital technologies in teaching and learning. Therefore, the digital classroom pedagogy is the study and use of these digital technologies in a digital classroom.

Digital pedagogy critically looks at digital tools as potential methods for learning and teaching. It looks at digital content and space as significant sites for data and information, notwithstanding traditional means, for example, books or the classroom.

These multimodal type of learning permit the student to have more opportunities as far as making meaning making exercises. The advanced instructional method itself is likewise delicate to the progressing conversations and discussions happening inside the circle of digital humanities, to be specific to its practices, standards, and politics.

Lesson planning for a digital classroom

When planning for a lesson for a digital classroom, technology has to be incorporated into the lesson. Make sure to build the lesson around technology when technology is integrated. This will ensure that you get the job done efficiently.

Technology should influence the lesson. For instance, when teaching a math class don’t let the students get the answer through google. Instead, let them work out the answer using the computer software built for calculation.

The students should be learning something about technology, this will give them a great learning experience.

The instructional design

The instructional design comprises of knowing the needs of students, defining the goals and objectives, planning tasks, and designing teaching and learning activities for the quality of instruction.

The instructional design should have a high-level approach to how the lesson will be taught. It should comprise the methods, techniques of teaching, and devices used for instruction. The design should include drafting curriculum and lesson plans, developing instructional materials like guides, and learning aids.

Means of evaluation is also important to determine your student’s understanding of the lesson content.

The instructional delivery

Instructional delivery is the interaction among the teacher, the student, the content, and the skills the student will require for learning. This will include the strategies that the teacher will take to ensure the students take part actively in the learning experience.

What to keep in mind as you deliver the lessons

  • Decide on your delivery method

You can decide to do a teacher-led lesson, a group lesson, or cooperative learning. Whichever you choose has to be best suited for the student’s needs. It should also be appropriate and effective for the lesson.

  • Keep the students engaged

Integrate technology into the lesson so that the students will be actively involved and engaged. Show them interesting videos just for fun.

  • Give clear directions

Ensure the students are attentive when giving out instructions. Give a verbal or visual signal to get their attention. Once they are attentive, then give the directions. You can then ask them to paraphrase the instructions given.

  • Be aware of your pacing

Instruct a pace that best suits the needs of your students. Slow down when you see they are getting confused. You can speed up a little bit when they start getting restless.

  • Use formative assessments for evaluation

If you want to test their understanding of the content, ask them questions. You can also do this by asking them to submit an exit slip before the next lesson begins.

Keywords: digital classroom, technology, instruction

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